Say "G'day" in Croatian

The formal Croatian way of saying hello is "Dobar Dan" (Good Day) - don't forget to rrrrroll your 'r' and pronounce 'Dan' as in 'Dance' but in the way Adelaideians would say it - in proper English, without the 'ce' at the end - "Dobar Dan", not the way Victorians would say 'Daaance'.

Other casual greeting include:
"di si" - pronouced: "dis si" (where've ya been), and
"šta ima?" - pronounced: "shta ima?" (what's happening?)

Buy coupons first

You can only buy food, drinks or merchandise at the Fešta using the Fešta coupons. So first buy your coupons and at the ticketing outlet and then exchange your coupons with the service staff for your meals, drinks, merchandise etc. Each coupon has a value of $3.00. No cash will be accepted by any of the service staff - coupons only.

The only areas where cash will be accepted is: the entrance gate, the ticketing outlet, the children's amusements/side show alley, private vendors (ice cream van, coffee truck, Boost juice, market stalls).

Be sun smart

Late November in Adelaide is a warm time of year and even though the event starts at 11:00am - it's a long day. So bring your sun screen, sun glasses and a hat - and drink lots of water.

When people start dancing in a large circle - join in

Croatians love to party, so singing and dancing come naturally. If you hear the mandolins or piano accordion strike up a fast paced melody and people around you spontaneously jump up, hold hands and start dancing in a circle ...join in! You don't need to know the steps, just move in the right direction.

Boulder Throw Competition technique

The technique ...throw the rock as far as you can. Don't step over the line, and try not to do shoulder.